Sunday, 11 February 2007

Aches and Pains and Mini Electric Blankets

Have you ever had so many aches and pains that you just wanted to curl up on an electric blanket to ease the pain. I would stake my life on the fact that in the last week or so I have been able to feel each and every one of my 206 bones and 600 hundred or so muscles. However, aching or not, living in the tropics doesn't generally lend itself to using electric blankets in the middle of the wet season. I have just got to share this with you all.

What I thought was a flu bug turned out to be viral pneumonia. What a woose I am. I hate this. There was I after lunch trying to get comfy despite all the aches and pains when it hit me... Somewhere in the dark depths of my overfilled cupboards was a mini electric blanket. The one I used years ago when I had a whiplash. It is about the size of a pillow slip folded in half. Just the ticket I thought.

It took about ten minutes to locate this wondrous item. Whoever thought of this is an absolute genious. I turned it on low and covered the worst aches one at a time. What a sight - with the aircon on full blast to keep cool and a little electric blanket to warm the sore bits and pieces. Before I knew it I feel into a deep slumber and woke up about two hours later feeling oh so refreshed and much much better.

I would thoroughly recommend these blankets to anyone who suffers from aches and pains as an ongoing form of relief. Anything to get to sleep right? If anyone out there knows who makes these little things, please drop me a line. I have decided to get a spare just in case this little fellow packs up on me.

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