Wednesday, 24 January 2007

Anyone got any ideas for Flu First Aid

Crikey I've Got the Flu

Just what you need in a tropical hot steamy summer (not)

Shock, Horror... No remedies for this in my first aid courses. OK, Never mind, how sad, too bad. Let's play this by ear. Some wonderful person out there may just have the dinky di cure for this malady. All well meaning solutions will be considered.

Symptoms - Chest cough; aches and pains in parts of my body I never knew existed till now; headache; Blowing very hot and cold. What to do - Can't take penicillin or antibiotics (darned allergies) so how about resting up. What do you think I have been doing for the past couple of days. I would love to be able to get up if my head would stop spinning long enough. This is cruelty itself for someone who normally rises at 5.30 am ish...

Advice received to date from the Well Meaning
Take some cough medicine - I've tried chesty cough medicine, still got a chesty cough - Bugger!
Take plenty of fluids - If I take anymore I may well turn into a lake! Complete with its own waterfall if I don't make it to the loo anytime soon.
Try a hot toddy - If I could get out to get some booze I would but hey I'm bed bound here. Duh!
Lemons - Yeah, cracker stuff, you just can't beat the juice.
Try Manuka Honey - onto that mate, eases the throat really good.
Olive Extract - heard that's good, in fact that's next on my sons shopping list before he heads off to Brisbane. Don't think I'll be able to convince him about the ingredients for the hot toddy though.

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